Todos Santos, Baja California Sur

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5 Responses

  1. Kris quicker says:

    Sounds like you are having the the most amazing time of your sharing your journey…..

  2. Noël says:

    Love love love the pictures.

    • Angela says:

      :) !! I wish I actually knew how to use a real camera. I just put it in auto mode and point and shoot.. jajaja. My boyfriend has an Olympus MICL mirrorless interchangeable lense … he had to tell me that just now, I don’t even know what kind of camera it is, but I LOVE taking pictures. I’m kind of a freak about it. But I don’t really pinterest food pictures. Teeheee. Thanks Noël.

  3. Mateo says:

    I heard Los Cerritos has changed a lot since we were there 15 years ago. Like you said at least you got to see it before and now.

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